Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский

figure out

  • 1 figure out

    (to understand: I can't figure out why he said that.) entender

    English-Portuguese dictionary > figure out

  • 2 figure out

    (to understand: I can't figure out why he said that.) entender

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > figure out

  • 3 to figure out

    to figure out
    calcular, figurar, imaginar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to figure out

  • 4 figure

    ['fiɡə, ]( American[) 'fiɡjər] 1. noun
    1) (the form or shape of a person: A mysterious figure came towards me; That girl has got a good figure.) figura
    2) (a (geometrical) shape: The page was covered with a series of triangles, squares and other geometrical figures.) figura
    3) (a symbol representing a number: a six-figure telephone number.) número/cifra, algarismo
    4) (a diagram or drawing to explain something: The parts of a flower are shown in figure 3.) figura
    2. verb
    1) (to appear (in a story etc): She figures largely in the story.) figurar
    2) (to think, estimate or consider: I figured that you would arrive before half past eight.) calcular
    - figuratively
    - figurehead
    - figure of speech
    - figure out
    * * *
    [f'igə] n 1 figura, imagem, forma, aparência, contorno, vulto. he cuts a sorry figure / ele faz triste figura. 2 corpo, talhe, parte. 3 individualidade, personagem eminente. 4 diagrama, desenho, emblema, ilustração, figura geométrica. 5 algarismo, cifra aritmética, número. it runs into seven figures / alcança números de sete algarismos. 6 preço, valor, quantia, importância. what’s the figure / quanto custa isso. 7 símbolo. • vt+vi 1 figurar, formar uma imagem de, desenhar, simbolizar. he figures as the villain / ele faz o papel de vilão. 2 formar uma idéia ou imagem mental de, imaginar. 3 numerar, marcar por meio de números ou algarismos, computar, calcular, avaliar. 4 Mus embelezar, adornar, entremear de imagens, assinalar os respectivos acordes. 5 fazer figura, tomar parte em, salientar-se. 6 fazer cálculos matemáticos, decifrar. a famous figure in history um grande vulto da história. a fine figure of a man or woman homem ou mulher bem apessoados, atraentes, altos e elegantes. figure ground perception Com percepção de figura de fundo. Em marketing é a percepção de objetos ou eventos quando eles sobressaem claramente em um determinado fundo. figure of speech figuras de linguagem (metáfora, antítese, personificação, etc.). figure to yourself imagine só. mother figure símbolo da mãe. that figures! isto faz sentido! to figure as passar por, parecer, afigurar-se. to figure in aparecer, fazer parte de. to figure on Amer coll contar com, esperar. to figure out calcular, figurar, imaginar. to keep one’s figure conservar-se esbelto. to lose one’s figure engordar, perder a linha. what a figure you are! coll que figura você faz!

    English-Portuguese dictionary > figure

  • 5 figure

    ['fiɡə, ]( American[) 'fiɡjər] 1. noun
    1) (the form or shape of a person: A mysterious figure came towards me; That girl has got a good figure.) figura
    2) (a (geometrical) shape: The page was covered with a series of triangles, squares and other geometrical figures.) figura
    3) (a symbol representing a number: a six-figure telephone number.) algarismo, dígito
    4) (a diagram or drawing to explain something: The parts of a flower are shown in figure 3.) figura
    2. verb
    1) (to appear (in a story etc): She figures largely in the story.) figurar
    2) (to think, estimate or consider: I figured that you would arrive before half past eight.) imaginar
    - figuratively - figurehead - figure of speech - figure out

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > figure

  • 6 mould

    I [mould] noun
    1) ((soil which is full of) rotted leaves etc.) terra vegetal
    2) (a growth on stale food etc: This bread is covered with mould.) bolor
    - mouldiness II 1. [məuld] noun
    1) (a shape into which a substance in liquid form is poured so that it may take on that shape when it cools and hardens: a jelly mould.) forma
    2) (something, especially a food, formed in a mould.) comida
    2. verb
    1) (to form in a mould: The metal is moulded into long bars.) moldar
    2) (to work into a shape: He moulded the clay into a ball.) moldar
    3) (to make the shape of (something): She moulded the figure out of/in clay.) moldar
    * * *
    [mould] n Brit 1 molde, modelo, forma, matriz. 2 natureza, caráter. • vt 1 moldar, modelar. 2 esculpir, formar. 3 construir. to be cast in the same mould ter o mesmo caráter.
    [mould] n Brit mofo, bolor, fungo. • vi criar mofo, bolor ou fungo.
    [mould] n Brit 1 terra vegetal. 2 camada superior de terras cultivadas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > mould

  • 7 mould

    I [mould] noun
    1) ((soil which is full of) rotted leaves etc.) humo
    2) (a growth on stale food etc: This bread is covered with mould.) mofo, bolor
    - mouldiness II 1. [məuld] noun
    1) (a shape into which a substance in liquid form is poured so that it may take on that shape when it cools and hardens: a jelly mould.) fôrma
    2) (something, especially a food, formed in a mould.) fôrma
    2. verb
    1) (to form in a mould: The metal is moulded into long bars.) moldar
    2) (to work into a shape: He moulded the clay into a ball.) moldar
    3) (to make the shape of (something): She moulded the figure out of/in clay.) moldar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > mould

  • 8 cut

    1. present participle - cutting; verb
    1) (to make an opening in, usually with something with a sharp edge: He cut the paper with a pair of scissors.) cortar
    2) (to separate or divide by cutting: She cut a slice of bread; The child cut out the pictures; She cut up the meat into small pieces.) cortar
    3) (to make by cutting: She cut a hole in the cloth.) cortar
    4) (to shorten by cutting; to trim: to cut hair; I'll cut the grass.) cortar
    5) (to reduce: They cut my wages by ten per cent.) cortar
    6) (to remove: They cut several passages from the film.) cortar
    7) (to wound or hurt by breaking the skin (of): I cut my hand on a piece of glass.) cortar
    8) (to divide (a pack of cards).) cortar
    9) (to stop: When the actress said the wrong words, the director ordered `Cut!') cortar
    10) (to take a short route or way: He cut through/across the park on his way to the office; A van cut in in front of me on the motorway.) cortar
    11) (to meet and cross (a line or geometrical figure): An axis cuts a circle in two places.) cortar
    12) (to stay away from (a class, lecture etc): He cut school and went to the cinema.) matar (aulas)
    13) ((also cut dead) to ignore completely: She cut me dead in the High Street.) ignorar
    2. noun
    1) (the result of an act of cutting: a cut on the head; a power-cut (= stoppage of electrical power); a haircut; a cut in prices.) corte
    2) (the way in which something is tailored, fashioned etc: the cut of the jacket.) corte
    3) (a piece of meat cut from an animal: a cut of beef.) corte
    - cutting 3. adjective
    (insulting or offending: a cutting remark.) cortante
    - cut-price
    - cut-throat
    4. adjective
    (fierce; ruthless: cut-throat business competition.) impiedoso
    - cut and dried
    - cut back
    - cut both ways
    - cut a dash
    - cut down
    - cut in
    - cut it fine
    - cut no ice
    - cut off
    - cut one's losses
    - cut one's teeth
    - cut out
    - cut short
    * * *
    [k∧t] n 1 corte, abertura, ferida. 2 talho, incisão. 3 passagem, escavação (na terra), canal. 4 peça talhada, parte ou pedaço cortado. 5 estilo, talhe, feitio, moda. 6 diminuição, redução. 7 atalho, carreiro, picada. 8 cutilada: golpe com instrumento cortante. 9 cábula: falta de comparecimento às aulas. 10 gravura, clichê, xilogravura. 11 corte em peça teatral. 12 peça: medida de tecido ou fio. 13 corte de cartas. 14 porcentagem, comissão. 15 Sport bola cortada ou com efeito. 16 grupo de animais separado da manada. 17 emenda de filme de cinema. 18 talho: corte de carne. 19 faixa de LP ou disco a laser. • vt+vi (ps and pp cut) 1 cortar, talhar. 2 secionar, dividir, partir. 3 aparar, desbastar. he cut his nails / ele cortou suas unhas. 4 rachar, fender. 5 ferir, fazer talhe em. he cut his fingers / ele feriu os dedos. the wind cut his face / o vento lhe açoitou o rosto. 6 lancetar, mutilar, incisar. 7 reduzir, diminuir. 8 atalhar, atravessar, abrir ou cortar caminho. 9 dividir, penetrar, passar através. 10 Sport cortar, dar efeito (bola). 11 coll evitar, ignorar, não reconhecer socialmente. 12 coll cabular, faltar às aulas. 13 picar, retalhar. 14 ceifar, segar. 15 gravar, entalhar, cinzelar. 16 escavar, abrir canal ou túnel. 17 romper relações com. 18 cortar o baralho. who cuts the cards? / quem corta as cartas? 19 talhar, cortar molde (de vestidos). 20 trinchar. 21 abreviar, resumir. 22 interromper (conversa). 23 fazer corte em (manuscrito, peça). 24 ferir-se. • adj 1 cortado, talhado. 2 gravado, entalhado, lapidado. 3 castrado. 4 ferido. 5 reduzido, remarcado (preço). cut and come again sirva-se à vontade. cut away! fora! cut in pay n redução de salário. cut it out! coll deixa disto!, corta essa! cut the cackle! sl deixe de conversa! cut your coat according to your cloth fig arranje-se de acordo com suas possibilidades. he cut a sorry figure ele fez um triste papel. he cut himself loose from ele separou-se de. he cut his own throat fig ele mesmo se prejudicou. he cut his way a) ele abriu caminho para si. b) fig ele se defendeu. he cut it fine sl ele calculou justo, chegou na hora, acertou por pouco. he cut me short ele me interrompeu. he cuts no ice with me sl ele não leva vantagem comigo. he cut the knot fig ele resolveu o caso. he cut the record ele quebrou o recorde. he cut up rough ele ficou zangado. he cut up well ele morreu rico, ele deixou uma fortuna. he gave me the direct cut ele me evitou ostensivamente. he made a cut in the story ele resumiu a história. his unkindness cut me to the heart sua grosseria me feriu o coração. I cut him dead não tomei conhecimento de sua presença. it cuts both ways é justo para ambas as partes. it is his cut é sua vez de cortar as cartas. short cut atalho, caminho mais curto. to be cut off morrer. to be cut out for a thing ser talhado para uma coisa. to cut across encurtar o caminho. to cut a long story short para resumir, em poucas palavras. to cut and contrive viver, satisfazer-se com pouco. to cut and run coll correr, fugir. to cut away a) cortar, serrar, decepar. b) desviar-se. to cut back repetir um quadro (de filme). to cut down a) roçar, derrubar (mato). b) reduzir (despesas). c) abreviar, resumir (manuscrito). to cut in a) entalhar, fazer entalhe. b) interromper. to cut in pieces picar, cortar em pedaços. to cut in stone esculpir em pedra. to cut off a) cortar, destacar, remover. b) romper (relações). c) interromper (fornecimento ou comunicações). d) acabar, terminar. e) separar, excluir. f) pôr fim a, matar, liquidar. g) deserdar. to cut out a) cortar, recortar. b) talhar. c) planejar, tramar, idear. d) desligar (máquina, chave elétrica, etc.). e) desistir de, abandonar. f) separar (do rebanho). g) suplantar, superar. h) pegar como presa. i) excluir, afastar. to cut to pieces fazer em pedaços. to cut up a) cortar, retalhar. b) criticar, desfazer. c) entristecer. to draw cuts jogar com palitos, apostar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cut

  • 9 carve

    1) (to make designs, shapes etc by cutting a piece of wood etc: A figure carved out of wood.) talhar
    2) (to cut up (meat) into slices: Father carved the joint.) trinchar
    - carve out
    * * *
    [ka:v] vt+vi 1 trinchar ou cortar (carne). 2 esculpir, entalhar, cinzelar, gravar, burilar. to carve out a career in business cavar, estabelecer, fincar a carreira no comércio. to carve up an area dividir uma área em pedaços ou áreas menores.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > carve

  • 10 number

    1. noun
    1) ((sometimes abbreviated to no - plural nos - when written in front of a figure) a word or figure showing eg how many of something there are, or the position of something in a series etc: Seven was often considered a magic number; Answer nos 1-10 of exercise 2.) número
    2) (a (large) quantity or group (of people or things): He has a number of records; There were a large number of people in the room.) quantidade
    3) (one issue of a magazine: the autumn number.) número
    4) (a popular song or piece of music: He sang his most popular number.) número
    2. verb
    1) (to put a number on: He numbered the pages in the top corner.) numerar
    2) (to include: He numbered her among his closest friends.) incluir
    3) (to come to in total: The group numbered ten.) totalizar
    - number-plate
    - his days are numbered
    - without number
    * * *
    [n'∧mbə] n 1 número, algarismo. 2 soma, total. 3 quantidade. 4 exemplar. 5 multidão. 6 número de um programa. 7 série. 8 flexão. 9 cadência. 10 tomo, volume. 11 pluralidade. 12 aritmética. • vt 1 numerar. 2 contar. 3 ter, constar de. 4 importar em. 5 incluir. 6 limitar, restringir. a number of diversos, uma quantidade de. any number of coll grande quantidade. even number Math número par. her days are numbered seus dias estão contados, ela tem pouco tempo de vida. his number comes up chegou a vez dele (de sofrer, ser punido). his number is up coll ele vai morrer. I’ve got his number Amer sl descobri as intenções dele. numbers of bastante. odd number Math número ímpar. out of number inumerável. prime number Math número primo. without number inumerável.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > number

  • 11 ten

    [ten] 1. noun
    1) (the number or figure 10.) dez
    2) (the age of 10.) dez anos
    2. adjective
    1) (10 in number.) dez
    2) (aged 10.) de dez anos
    - tenth
    - ten-pin bowling
    - ten-year-old
    3. adjective
    ((of a person, animal or thing) that is ten years old.) de dez anos
    * * *
    [ten] n 1 dez. 2 nota de dez dólares. • num dez. nine out of ten nove em dez, a maioria. one out of ten um em dez, pouquíssimos. ten times dez vezes. tens of thousands dezenas de milhares. ten to one dez para um, com toda a certeza. the upper ten a elite, a alta sociedade.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ten

  • 12 carve

    1) (to make designs, shapes etc by cutting a piece of wood etc: A figure carved out of wood.) entalhar
    2) (to cut up (meat) into slices: Father carved the joint.) trinchar
    - carve out

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > carve

  • 13 cut

    1. present participle - cutting; verb
    1) (to make an opening in, usually with something with a sharp edge: He cut the paper with a pair of scissors.) cortar
    2) (to separate or divide by cutting: She cut a slice of bread; The child cut out the pictures; She cut up the meat into small pieces.) cortar
    3) (to make by cutting: She cut a hole in the cloth.) cortar
    4) (to shorten by cutting; to trim: to cut hair; I'll cut the grass.) cortar, aparar
    5) (to reduce: They cut my wages by ten per cent.) cortar
    6) (to remove: They cut several passages from the film.) cortar
    7) (to wound or hurt by breaking the skin (of): I cut my hand on a piece of glass.) cortar
    8) (to divide (a pack of cards).) cortar
    9) (to stop: When the actress said the wrong words, the director ordered `Cut!') cortar
    10) (to take a short route or way: He cut through/across the park on his way to the office; A van cut in in front of me on the motorway.) cortar
    11) (to meet and cross (a line or geometrical figure): An axis cuts a circle in two places.) cortar
    12) (to stay away from (a class, lecture etc): He cut school and went to the cinema.) cabular
    13) ((also cut dead) to ignore completely: She cut me dead in the High Street.) ignorar, virar a cara
    2. noun
    1) (the result of an act of cutting: a cut on the head; a power-cut (= stoppage of electrical power); a haircut; a cut in prices.) corte, redução
    2) (the way in which something is tailored, fashioned etc: the cut of the jacket.) corte
    3) (a piece of meat cut from an animal: a cut of beef.) corte
    - cutting 3. adjective
    (insulting or offending: a cutting remark.) cortante
    - cut-price - cut-throat 4. adjective
    (fierce; ruthless: cut-throat business competition.) impiedoso
    - cut and dried - cut back - cut both ways - cut a dash - cut down - cut in - cut it fine - cut no ice - cut off - cut one's losses - cut one's teeth - cut out - cut short

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > cut

  • 14 distinguish

    1) ((often with from) to mark as different: What distinguishes this café from all the others?) distinguir
    2) (to identify or make out: He could just distinguish the figure of a man running away.) enxergar
    3) ((sometimes with between) to recognize a difference: I can't distinguish (between) the two types - they both look the same to me.) distinguir
    4) (to make (oneself) noticed through one's achievements: He distinguished himself at school by winning a prize in every subject.) distinguir-se
    - distinguished
    * * *
    [dist'iŋgwiʃ] vt+vi 1 distinguir. 2 diferençar, separar. 3 discriminar, caracterizar. 4 mostrar diferença, discernir. 5 mostrar preferência por, consideração especial a. 6 honrar, fazer estimação. 7 perceber pelos sentidos, ouvir, reconhecer, avistar. 8 salientar-se, evidenciar-se, diferençar-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > distinguish

  • 15 jack-in-the-box

    (a toy consisting of a figure, fixed to a spring inside a box, which comes out suddenly when the lid is opened.) caixinha das surpresas
    * * *
    [dʒ'æk in ðə bɔks] n caixa de surpresa: brinquedo em forma de caixa cuja abertura faz aparecer uma figura grotesca.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > jack-in-the-box

  • 16 spy

    1. noun
    (a secret agent or person employed to gather information secretly especially about the military affairs of other countries: She was arrested as a spy; industrial spies.) espião
    2. verb
    1) (to be a spy: He had been spying for the Russians for many years.) espiar
    2) (to see or notice: She spied a human figure on the mountainside.) avistar
    - spy on
    * * *
    [spai] n 1 vigia, guarda. 2 espião. • vt+vi 1 espiar, pesquisar, procurar. 2 espionar, investigar, espreitar. let’s spy into the thing / vamos investigar o assunto. they spied on him / investigaram os seus atos e caminhos. 3 enxergar, ver. to spy out enxergar, descobrir.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > spy

  • 17 square

    [skweə] 1. noun
    1) (a four-sided two-dimensional figure with all sides equal in length and all angles right angles.) quadrado
    2) (something in the shape of this.) quadrado
    3) (an open place in a town, with the buildings round it.) praça
    4) (the resulting number when a number is multiplied by itself: 3 × 3, or 32 = 9, so 9 is the square of 3.) quadrado
    2. adjective
    1) (having the shape of a square or right angle: I need a square piece of paper; He has a short, square body / a square chin.) quadrado
    2) ((of business dealings, scores in games etc) level, even, fairly balanced etc: If I pay you an extra $5 shall we be (all) square?; Their scores are (all) square (= equal).) igual
    3) (measuring a particular amount on all four sides: This piece of wood is two metres square.) quadrado
    4) (old-fashioned: square ideas about clothes.) antiquado
    3. adverb
    1) (at right angles, or in a square shape: The carpet is not cut square with the corner.) em esquadria
    2) (firmly and directly: She hit him square on the point of the chin.) em cheio
    4. verb
    1) (to give a square shape to or make square.) tornar quadrado
    2) (to settle, pay etc (an account, debt etc): I must square my account with you.) acertar
    3) (to (cause to) fit or agree: His story doesn't square with the facts.) ajustar(-se)
    4) (to multiply a number by itself: Two squared is four.) elevar ao quadrado
    - squarely
    - square centimetre
    - metre
    - square root
    - fair and square
    - go back to square one
    - a square deal
    * * *
    [skwɛə] n 1 quadrado. 2 coisa quadrada ou retangular, divisão de tabuleiro de xadrez, vidraça, etc. 3 praça, área (cercada de ruas), quadra. 4 Amer comprimento de um lado de uma praça. 5 largo, parque de uma cidade. 6 tropas colocadas em forma de quadrado. 7 esquadro. 8 (também square number) Math quadrado, segunda potência de um número. 9 fig igualdade, simetria, regularidade, eqüidade, honestidade. 10 medida de área, correspondente a 100 pés quadrados. 11 pessoa antiquada, conservadora. • vt+vi 1 fazer retangular, fazer quadrado, esquadrar. 2 dividir em quadrados. 3 pôr no esquadro, verificar o ângulo. 4 fazer plano, endireitar. 5 ajustar, liquidar (contas). he squared him / ele o pagou, ele liquidou suas dívidas. 6 corresponder, estar de acordo, concordar. 7 Math quadrar, elevar ao quadrado. 8 determinar, colocar em lugar certo, regularizar. I’ll square things / regularizarei o negócio. 9 adaptar, adaptar-se. 10 formar ângulo reto. 11 sl subornar. he squared him / sl ele o subornou. • adj 1 quadrado, retangular, quadrangular, em quadrangular. she has a square chin / ela tem um queixo quadrado. 2 em quadrado, relativo à área, que designa a unidade de área. 3 que forma um angulo de 90°, reto. 4 direito, plano, no nível. 5 líquido, sem sobras, igual. 6 justo, honesto, correto, direito. 7 completo, absoluto. 8 Math ao quadrado, na segunda potência. 9 sólido, forte. 10 sl antiquado, conservador, retrógrado. 11 claro, direto, inequívoco. 12 coll satisfatório, abundante, substancial. I have had a square meal / tive uma refeição reforçada. • adv 1 coll honestamente. 2 em forma quadrada, em ângulos retos. he squared up to her ele se colocou diante dela. he’s square-pushing with her sl ele anda com ela. I got square with him estou quite com ele. like a square peg in a round hole fig uma coisa que não se adapta, como um peixe fora d’água. on the square a) no esquadro. b) coll honesto, justo. that fellow is on the square / sl este camarada está em ordem. out of square irregular, fora do normal. to square away coll estar pronto para entrar em ação. to square off a) dar forma retangular a. b) tomar posição para boxe. to square oneself coll reparar danos, ajustar contas. to square one’s shoulders enfrentar o destino. to square the circle descobrir a quadratura do círculo, fig tentar fazer uma coisa impossível. to square the yards Naut cruzar as vergas. to square up liquidar uma conta. to start from square one começar do princípio, voltar ao começo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > square

  • 18 distinguish

    1) ((often with from) to mark as different: What distinguishes this café from all the others?) distinguir
    2) (to identify or make out: He could just distinguish the figure of a man running away.) distinguir
    3) ((sometimes with between) to recognize a difference: I can't distinguish (between) the two types - they both look the same to me.) distinguir
    4) (to make (oneself) noticed through one's achievements: He distinguished himself at school by winning a prize in every subject.) distinguir-se
    - distinguished

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > distinguish

  • 19 jack-in-the-box

    (a toy consisting of a figure, fixed to a spring inside a box, which comes out suddenly when the lid is opened.) caixa de surpresa

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > jack-in-the-box

См. также в других словарях:

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  • figure out — (something) to understand something by thinking about it. After I figured out that I would earn only eighty cents an hour, I said forget it. She spent an hour trying to install the software, but John finally figured it out. Related vocabulary:… …   New idioms dictionary

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  • figure out — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms figure out : present tense I/you/we/they figure out he/she/it figures out present participle figuring out past tense figured out past participle figured out 1) to be able to understand something or to solve a… …   English dictionary

  • figure out — UK US figure out Phrasal Verb with figure({{}}/ˈfɪgər/ verb ► to understand or solve something: figure out how/why/what, etc. »If they know the cause of the problem, they might be able to figure out how to prevent it happening again. »It takes… …   Financial and business terms

  • figure out — {v.} 1. To find an answer by thinking about (some problem or difficulty); solve. * /Tom couldn t figure out the last problem on the arithmetic test./ * /Sam couldn t figure out how to print a program until the teacher showed him how./ * /Mary… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • figure out — {v.} 1. To find an answer by thinking about (some problem or difficulty); solve. * /Tom couldn t figure out the last problem on the arithmetic test./ * /Sam couldn t figure out how to print a program until the teacher showed him how./ * /Mary… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • figure\ out — v 1. To find an answer by thinking about (some problem or difficulty); solve. Tom couldn t figure out the last problem on the arithmetic test. Sam couldn t figure out how to print a program until the teacher showed him how. Mary couldn t figure… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • figure out — PHRASAL VERB If you figure out a solution to a problem or the reason for something, you succeed in solving it or understanding it. [INFORMAL] [V P wh/that] It took them about one month to figure out how to start the equipment... [V P n (not… …   English dictionary

  • figure out — v. (colloq.) (AE) 1) (L) he figured out that we could not possibly get there on time 2) (Q) she could not figure out how to do it * * * [ fɪgə(r) aʊt] (Q) she could not figure out how to do it (colloq.) (AE) (L) he figure outd out that we could… …   Combinatory dictionary

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